Day Group for Jesus - DG4J

Day Group for Jesus.

Meets on alternate Mondays 10-11.30 am. Session lasts about an hour.

What is it?

  • We meet as a group to study the bible together and discuss passages and topics of christian faith. All are welcome.

  • Normally we meet at Holy Trinity Church Shaw or on Zoom. 

  • Please get in touch for further details.

Forthcoming meetings:

DG4J (Day-group for Jesus) Autumn Programme Sep 24 to Dec 24 Meeting on Zoom – 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
1. Monday, 9th September 24 Gladness & Generosity (1) Angela
2. Monday, 23rd September 24 Gladness & Generosity (2) Edward
3. Monday, 7th October 24 Gladness & Generosity (3) Pete
4. Monday, 21st October 24 Gladness & Generosity (4) Pete
5. Monday, 4th November 24 Gladness & Generosity (5) Edward
6. Monday, 18th November 24 Gladness & Generosity (6) Angela
7. Monday, 2nd December 24 Gladness & Generosity (7) Pete
8. Monday, 16th December 24 Gladness & Generosity (8) Edward

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